Five Changes Chris Klieman Needs to Make at Kansas State
K-State head football coach Chris Klieman made headlines this week when he said in a press conference that there will be “a lot” of changes to K-State football this fall. After drilling down to see what he meant, it appears K-State football fans will see some schematic changes on the offensive and defensive side of the football. Change is often good, and I am excited to see the football Wildcats take the field this fall.
It also got me wondering…what changes would I like to see Chris Klieman make to the football program? Since I am in a bit of a sarcastic mood today, here is my “tongue in cheek” list of changes that I wish Chris Klieman would make to the football program.
1.) Beat Kansas by 70
KU fans are getting a bit chippy on social media after “only” losing to K-State by four points in Lawrence in 2023. Klieman hasn’t had much trouble with the Jawhawks, beating them by margins of 28, 41, 25, and 20 before last season’s close(r) game. To me, 41 points is way too close. That needs to change. Leave zero doubt as to who is the dominant program in the state of Kansas!
2.) Beat Texas… In A Playoff Game
K-State doesn’t play Texas anymore, you say? Well, then, how about beating them in the College Football Playoff? Both teams have to get there first, but that overtime loss last season still sticks in my craw. Hope not to wait too long for revenge.
3.) No more snow games. Ever.
That defense in the snow against Iowa State was UGLY! Never play in the snow again! I still have PTSD from watching that!
4.) A New Pregame Entrance
I am picturing something like what they do at Virginia Tech with “Enter Sandman” to get the home crowd pumped up and into the game. I think they currently play “Crazy Train” at K-State as the team comes onto the field, but it is time to switch it up! “Welcome to the Jungle?” Or something else?
5.) An alternate uniform. A Real Alternate Uniform
Keep the awesome uniform look that you have, however, a special alternate uniform once a season would not be a bad idea. And I am not talking about what they do on Fort Riley Day. Something that pops. But, please, no Ron Prince purple pants.