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Watch: Arkansas Basketball Staff Member Throws Reporter’s Phone

NCAA Womens Basketball: SEC Conference Tournament Semifinals-Ole Miss vs South Carolna

The SEC, where it just means more, or something, right?

After Arkansas lost to Texas A&M in the SEC Tournament on Friday, photographer Jack Weaver was recording the coaching staff coming off the court. According to Weaver, Arkansas head coach Eric Mussellman left the court and was dropping a few F-Bombs. As Mussellman and the staff passed Weaver, an assistant took Weaver’s phone and threw it to the ground.

Here’s what it looked like from the phone’s perspective.


Ironically, according to one local reporter, the man who threw the phone down was Riley Hall, who is Arkansas’ video coordinator.

Bush league, amateur hour in the SEC. Arkansas should be lucky it’s in such an easy basketball conference, at least compared to the Big 12. They were able to cobble together eight conference wins. In the Big 12, they might’ve won a handful of games.

Imagine how many phones Hall would have smashed throughout the season?

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