Andre Ross was tired of hearing he couldn’t do it.
All he wanted was a chance.
Still, the doubters kept telling him no.
Ross, now a junior outside linebacker for Texas Tech, grew up in Calvert, a town with a population that barely chugs past 1,000.
His graduating class was 13.
“Not everyone thought I would have a chance playing Division I football,” Ross said. “They thought maybe (Division II) or (Division III), but coming from six-man they said you aren’t going to do it. I told them I was good enough though.”
And he was good. Ross was named the six-man District 16-1A defensive MVP following his senior season in 2010 when the Trojans went 10-2. At 6-foot-2 and more than 220 pounds, he had the size.
Still, it was not enough to stop the naysayers.
And no one in the Big 12 took notice.
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